What is a Learning Management System?

What is a Learning Management System?

Teacher Agnes likes preparing fun activities for her Biology students. The night before class, she created an interactive quiz for her students to determine the different organs of the digestive system. Because her school has recently implemented a learning management...
Empowered Mama!

Empowered Mama!

By: Gabby Jacob-Sandejas In March 2020, schools and students alike had to face one of the biggest challenges with the emergence of the pandemic; the shift to online learning. In such a short span of time, everyone was forced to adjust to the new-set up. From zoom...
New Skills for the New Educator

New Skills for the New Educator

Creativity. Patience. Critical thinking. These are but a few crucial skills every educator must possess to navigate the jungle that is the classroom. We have mastered these skills and more after years of experience and continuing education. But being an educator in...
COVID-19 home care guidelines

COVID-19 home care guidelines

With our hospitals frequently at capacity and with high risk of disease exposure in emergency rooms, it’s understandable — and logical — that certain cases of COVID-19 will be best managed at home. We put together these guidelines on COVID-19 Home Care to share...